Dear all,
This is not a real hotel. This is just a property created to help new Travel Agents get to know WebHotelier booking engine.
For testing purposes, this is the hotels description.
Chiar acum verificăm dacă avem mai multe oferte, special pentru tine. Te rugăm să aștepți...
Va rugam sa alegeti o data de CheckIn si CheckOut pentru a vedea preturile.
{"_cache_use":true,"_cache_create":true,"__qurltag":"individual","_multi_request":true,"VacationType":"individual","Destination":436280,"CityCode":436280,"DestinationType":"city","County":null,"CityName":"Arachova","CountryCode":53,"ProductName":"WebHotelier B2B Test Under the Stars Accommodation","ProductCode":2917,"HotelCode":"TRAVEL"}